Milk Protein Allergy in Babies


Did you know, allergy to cow’s milk is one of the most commonly encountered food allergies in infants? Read on for more information.

What is cow’s milk allergy?
Cows' milk allergy is an allergic reaction that is triggered due to the proteins present in the cow’s milk. The main role of the immune system is to protect the body from harmful germs but in cow’s milk allergy, the immune system of the baby overreacts because of one of more proteins in the cow’s milk. For these babies, it is recommended that they avoid cow’s milk.

How do I know that my baby has cow’s milk allergy?
The following symptoms can indicate the existence of a food allergy in your baby, particularly when it is accompanied by excessive crying and restless sleep.

Cows' milk allergy usually develops during the first year of life.

Will my child outgrow cow’s milk allergy?
Fortunately, a majority of children who are allergic to milk will outgrow their allergy by the age of 3–5 years.

Can I prevent this type of allergy?
Breastfeeding a baby is the best way to avoid the development of a milk allergy in a newborn. Breastfeeding for at least 4 months can prevent or delay the development of milk allergy. Introduce foods slowly to your baby and watch for any signs of allergy.

How can a milk allergy be managed?
If your breastfed baby has a milk allergy, your doctor will ask you to follow a milk-free diet. Also, delay feeding your baby cow’s milk while weaning him/her for as long as possible.

  1. Cow’s milk allergy. Available from: As accessed on: 20/4/2016.
  2. Could my baby have CMA? Available from: As accessed on: 20/4/2016.
  3. Could Your Baby's Crying Be Colic? Available from: As accessed on: 20/4/2016.
  4. Growing up with CMA. Available from: As accessed on: 20/4/2016.