
Did you know 70 percent of your child’s brain development happens during pregnancy?

Pregnancy provides a unique opportunity to influence brain development and long term health of your child.

SimMom IQ+ during Pregnancy

Your nutrition during pregnancy and lactation impacts the growth and development of the foetus and adds to the maturity of a healthy baby.

SimMom IQ+ is a specialised nutrition offering with IQ+ blend of brain nutrients & high quality protein that helps in your foetal brain development and healthy birthing. SimMom IQ+ provides the energy, protein and calcium needs of a pregnant or breast feeding mother. SimMom IQ+ helps in healthy weight gain which is required during pregnancy as it is low in fat and sugar, has zero transfat and has high quality protein.

SimMom IQ+ for Brain Development

SimMom IQ+ for Baby's Growth

SimMom IQ+ for Baby's immunity

SimMom IQ+ for Healthy Digestion

Nutrition During Breastfeeding

For your new-born, no food is better than breast milk, and the WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding as the optimal source of nutrition for the baby for the first six months of life. 90% of the baby’s brain growth happens up to 1 year of age. Breast milk contains IQ nutrients like DHA, Iron, Choline and Taurine.

Breast milk offers all the nutrients critical for ideal growth of the baby and protective factors against infection. Mother’s diet is the primary source of energy, protein, and other nutrients in breast milk.Children can be warranted a healthy beginning in life if women begin healthy pregnancy with good nutritional status and has safe pregnancy and childbirth experience.

Insufficient calories or lack of macro-and micronutrients during pregnancy can result in shortage of building materials essential for foetal development. Nutritional deficiencies can also result in developmental adaptations that can have adverse effect on your baby, and can make them vulnerable to diseases during their adulthood.


Just two servings of SimMom IQ+ TM everyday will help meet 100 percent RDA* requirements of key nutrients during pregnancy & Lactation.

About SimMom IQ+ TM

Abbott Nutrition’s SimMom IQ+ is the simple solution to meet Mom’s increased nutritional needs during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). SimMom IQ+ is a complement to your healthy diet with its specialised nutrition packed with protein, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Just two servings of SimMom IQ+ everyday will help to meet 100% RDA requirement of key nutrients during pregnancy and Lactation. It is available in two delicious flavours Vanilla Delight and Premium Chocolate.

Suggested Readings:
  1. KN Agarwal, DK Agarwal, SK Upadhyay. IAP Textbook of Paediatrics. 4th Ed. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd 2009. CH 4.2. Growth—Birth to Puberty; 83-96.
  2. Mecacci Fetal Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation: how a healthy infant is born. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine 2015;4(2):e040236.
  3. World health organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Low birthweight: country, regional and global estimates.
  4. AM J Clin Nutr 2007; 85 (Suppl):614S -20S 5. Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 81 (Suppl):1206S-12S.
  5. Clandinin MT. Jumpsen J. Suth M. Relatioship between fatty acid accretion, membrane composition and biological functions. J Pediatr: 125(5): S25-S32.
  6. Nutrient requirements and recommended dietary allowances for Indians. A Report of the Expert Group of the Indian Council of Medical Research 2009.National Institute of Nutrition:332.
  7. Lanting CI. Neurological difference between 9-year old children fed breast milk or formula-milk as babies. Lancet 1994; 334: 1319-1322.
  8. Lucas A. Breast milk and subsequent intelligence quotient in children born preterm. Lancet 1992; 339: 261-264
  9. Helen H. Raikes, Jane McCall Whitmer. In: Beautiful Beginnings: A Developmental Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers. Edition illustrated; Publisher Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 2006
  10. SimMom IQ+ info: Data on file.

    *As per RDA 2010 in 2 servings (37.5g each) with 200ml of cow’s milk provides 100% RDA of 4 key nutrients i.e. Iron, Calcium, Vitamin B12 and Folic acid.